Current location: Boston, MA.
Occupation: Student (yes, again), pursuing a doctorate in Global Health and consulting on the side
Goal: To strengthen cultural competence in global health programming and policy for children, adolescent, and youth issues, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Reflection: Past Semester at a Glance

Happy New Year to all who missed the D.I.V.A.! I've been quiet on the blog front over the last few months (this thing called a doctoral degree and teaching really take a lot out of a gal!). So before I get to my most recent adventure - which you're going to love - here's a peek at this past semester at a glance...

A reunion with a fellow
Michigan State University ('08)
Homecoming Court member!

A Caribbean "carnival" in Cambridge, MA

"You go do me, I do you..."  P-Square style!

family reunion

Me and the Dean of my undergrad

MSU Homecoming Game '15
(just like old times!!)

Seeing Ta-Nehisi Coates,
a fellow Middlebury French School alum,
present on his award-winning book

A little site-seeing after speaking with
Barbara Bush at University of the Sciences

Enjoying a glass of Veuve-Clicquot, a birthday cake, and a
birthday balloon "on the house" at Liberty Hotel for my
personal birthday retreat (highly recommend it)! 

 And of course, how can I not include some of my most exciting culinary creations of the season!

Homemade french bread rolls. Before...

...and after.

Homemade pecan pie (without corn syrup!)

Homemade holiday apple pie. Before...


...And after!

Homemade mixed berry tart
(after only, sans garnish)

A selection of homemade chewy sugar cookies,
decorated by me and my brothers!


Quick and easy mini-doughnuts

And homemade, double macaroni and cheese!
From me to you, Happy New Year, and get ready for the new adventures of a D.I.V.A. in ...!

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