Current location: Boston, MA.
Occupation: Student (yes, again), pursuing a doctorate in Global Health and consulting on the side
Goal: To strengthen cultural competence in global health programming and policy for children, adolescent, and youth issues, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa

Monday, January 9, 2017

Guinea (yes, again!): Cheers to 2017

2017 started out a little...well...slow. I woke up with a massive headache. There was a problem with every item I ordered for my New Year's Day brunch. And I was planning another research trip across the globe to Guinea, with no idea on where I would stay or how I would event get out of the airport! Sure, these were all minor problems in the context of life, but on the first day of what I decided would be a fabulous new year, they kind of sucked. 

Day 2 of the new year continued this trend, though I was determined to keep a positive attitude. I couldn’t sleep a wink on my disappointing United Airlines flight. The terrible food was topped only by the melted butter that spilled all over my favorite sweater. I was hungry and tired (a terrible combination for me). I mean really – seriously! – I exclaimed aloud as a looked to the ceiling of the airplane – Can’t I get a break?!

Just when I was ready to give up on the new year, I ran into a friend on my second flight to Guinea (one of the two Americans there that I know). It was unbelievably serendipitous - she was sitting in a cabin in front of mine but came on the flight late and had to look for storage in the back for her suitcase, "coincidentally" passing by my seat. We had great conversation and have stayed connected almost daily in my first week back abroad.

And, as soon as we got off the aircraft, another “miracle” occurred. I was telling my friend there would be no VIP treatment this time, and would you believe that my host from last summer who didn’t even know my flight schedule came to the airport to get me and arranged my housing again?

The past week-and-a-half have been fraught with these moments of extreme distress and frustration followed by unbelievable comfort and joy. A terrible cold/flu that kept me homebound during my first week back in Guinea was met with friends who passed by to check on me and even brought me soup! A failed start with my old research assistant was replaced with the hope of a new one in within 24 hours. And as a recent visit with one of my research participants from last June (and several members of her family) today revealed, my network here may not be huge, but it is quality.

I’ll probably still have an existential crisis tomorrow. I’ll probably worry endlessly and maybe even shed some tears over the mishaps that will inevitably come. But I’ll also refer to this blog post repeatedly to remind myself that there is a plan so much bigger than me that has already been put in place, and that it really is all going to be more than okay.

This is Take 1 Take 2 Take 3 of 2017, which promises to be the most fabulous year yet! It's the year of Fitness, Fashion, and Fun (my personal mantra for this year). It's the year of finishing my dissertation (pleasssse be the year of finishing my dissertation!). It's the year of blessings to be received and shared and enjoyed. 

2016 ended well with a little Mickey time...

...a little family time...

...and of course a fabulous NYE selfie!

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